Monday, July 21, 2008


First of all, think of all the people you hold a grudge against. Now answer me, is it really worth giving them so much importance in your life? I hope the answer is negative, and if its not…then it must be a very serious matter. But the kind of forgiving I am talking about includes all those little, meaningless bitterness we hold against millions of people, in our daily lives…and trust me before I got thinking about this, I did not know the astounding number of people actually featured in my "hate-list". And then I started realizing that whatever they did was no big deal, well ok, they went and spread rumors about me, so what..the people who matter in my life know who I am..and know that I will never do anything that will embarrass them or let them down. So what if a person betrayed my trust, im sure he has reasons…. All I need is to confront him and ask him why he did it. And god save him if he doesn't come up with a bloody good reason!!!! So what if someone made fun of me, I'll think of it in this way, that I was the source of their happiness, think of it in this way that they made "FUN" of me, I am so much fun, don't you agree?!. So what if someone took the credit which I genuinely deserved…im more than willing to give away the credit if it is actually going to be appreciated, because I know it was me who did the hard work, and if it matters so much for a person to actually take away the accolades from a person who deserved it…then I'd rather let him have it and make him happy..despite his cruel intention.

It is when I realized that I think so much about these things, ponder over why who did what they did, that It dawned on me that to waste your time in indulging in all this made nothing better, it only affected my psyche , flooded my mind with wrong feelings and made me negative. I thought negative, I exuded negative, I lived negative.

And then the process started, I forgave one, then another and another and it made me feel better… I started realizing that it was not as difficult as I had made it out to be, once the forgiving part was done, the negativity went with it. The incident that had angered me started fading from the memory with each passing day. I started seeing the person in a better light. In other words, I started trusting the goodness in each one of them. And no one can shake the faith that I have now, that there IS infact some amount of goodness in everyone. You only need to identify that goodness. Ok, so they are not particularly nice to you, but if you see the bigger picture you'll find out that they are good to others, their family, their friends, their pets etc etc. and the moment this notion gets into your head, you will not only start to discover the better person in them..but also a better person in you.

Not only is it important to forgive but its equally important to be forgiven. One must ask for forgiveness every time they realize they were at fault. This is no cake walk by all means. To realize that u were wrong and to accept the very fact takes a long time. To ask for forgiveness takes longer. But if u start working on it, one day it will happen, when you will be armed with truckload of guts to go up to the person and say "Sorry". Sorry indeed seems to be the hardest word, but once said, you will realize the importance and the meaning the word holds. And if it is too hard for you to say sorry, ask for forgiveness from god. And trust him to convey it to the person to whom it was intented.

Life is too short to cherish the ones u love, its too short to make others realize their importance in your life, it is too short to tell people that you love them, once you start doing all this, u'll come to know that there is no time left for u to hold grudges against people. So its best that u forgive and forget, and if u are blessed with a poor/selective memory like me then life becomes a lot more beautiful and "forgiving".

" Good nature and good sense must ever join

to err is human; to forgive divine"


Unknown said...

Nice notion.. i've thought about it quite a lot myself.. (same school, same college, lots of same same :P leads to same thoughts!) and you know the easiest way I found to forgive others was believing that everyone of them has a perfectly rational reason for what they did.. upbringing, brainwash, bad judgment, whatever you think it is.. try to find out the reason for what ppl do.. and when you've found the reason, im perfectly sure their actions wont seem offensive anymore. This works like a charm every single time!

man in painting said...

Albert Camus told"the greatest power is the power to forget".without forgetting we can seldom forgive..
Great thought
very nice post..
me too blog.
do visit.

Smitha Menon- said...

Forgiving is probably the best way to disarm someone.
I like your chilled yet practical undertone.
Write more silly!